
cafe カフェ Jun 20, 2020


ギャラリーカフェKantan (旧「ギャラリー&カフェ」)では、武蔵野美術大学教授・前大分県立美術館館長の新見隆氏の監修による、文学、小説や詩、音楽や美術家にちなんだ美食の風景を紹介する「レストラン・リテラチュール」ランチメニューを71日(水)より開始いたします。




山本嘉次郎『日本三大洋食考』にも登場するコロッケは、果たしてオランダのクロケットが元祖か? 画家クレーのコロッケレシピも想い浮かべて。石倉聖二流「那須名物鱒鮭を薫製したサーモンクロケット」に、定番「合い挽き肉じゃが春夏味コロッケ」の対決。





¥ 1,700(新見 隆イラストカード付き)


新見 Ryu Niimi


誰にでもできるコラージュ、プリコラージュワークショップ」をアートビオトープ で隔週土曜日に開催中。詳しくは、こちら



The "Restaurant Literature" will start from Wednesday, July 1st.

Gallery Café Kantan (formerly "Gallery & Cafe") introduces new lunch menu as the sceneries of gastronomy related to literature, music and art under the supervision of Takashi Niimi, a professor at Musashino Art University and former director of Oita Prefectural Museum of Art. The "Restaurant Literature" will start from Wednesday, July 1st.



Nostalgia for posh Western food
Or, the exquisite croquet

Croquettes described in "Three Major Western Food in Japan" by Kojiro Yamamoto might have been originally from the Dutch. Imagine the croquette recipe by painter Paul Klee. It is a showdown between "Nasu specialty smoked salmon croquette" by Seiji Ishikura and “the classic minced meat potato croquette flavored with spring and summer".


From a genius avant-garde musician to exiled Russians.
Cabbage lover’s rolled cabbage

The late Toru Takemitsu painted cabbage stew in a metal basin in his dying bed that he had eaten when he was young. Exiled Russians longed for Russian orthodox cabbage soup in New York. Enjoy with plenty of beef tenderloin broth and cabbage broth.


Sakunosuke Oda's curry or the desperate vegetable dry curry

Famous mixed curry from "Jiyuken" in Osaka became popular when Sakunosuke Oda introduced in his novel "Meoto Zenzai". Gourmet curry with plenty of Nasu ingredients, featuring the finely chopped vegetables and the outstanding “desperate” spaghetti which was introduced in "Dining Table Ichigo Ichie" by Hiroshi Nagata.

With the illustration card by Ryu Niimi ¥1,700


About Professor Ryu Niimi:

Curator, art critic and artist
Graduated from the Department of French Literature at Keio University
Professor at Musashino Art University.
Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum Curator
Former Director of Oita Prefectural Museum of Art
Author of books such as "Curator's Finest Art Guide", "Isamu Noguchi: Journey to Art of Garden" (Musashino Art University Press)
Awarded the Western Art Foundation Academic Award for supervision of "Vienna Craft 1903-1932" Exhibition (Panasonic Shiodome Museum) in 2011

Everyone can be an artist - Bricolage workshop


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